Employment Statistics of Sambas Regency 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sambas Regency

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Employment Statistics of Sambas Regency 2021

Catalog Number : 2301004.6101
Publication Number : 61010.2206
Release Date : June 30, 2022
File Size : 28.64 MB


The availability of accurate data is the main key in formulating policies, both by the government and other parties. One of the strategic data that must be considered is data that describes the employment conditions of a region. The publication of "The Employment Statistics of Sambas Regency2021" is one of the publications of the Sambas Regency Central Statistics Agency which describes the employment conditions of Sambas Regency. The employment conditions in question can be seen in terms of the labor force participation rate, unemployment rate, main business sector, employment status, informal activities and other indicators.
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