Tourism Statistics of Sambas Regency 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sambas Regency

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Tourism Statistics of Sambas Regency 2021

Catalog Number : 8401014.6101
Publication Number : 61010.2208
Release Date : August 31, 2022
File Size : 8 MB


The Publication of Tourism Statistics of Sambas Regency 2021 discusses about tourism in Sambas Regency, namely the number of tourists visiting and use of accommodation services. The number of tourists who visit is calculated from tourists which passes through the border gate of Aruk and Sintete Harbor. Meanwhile, the use of services accommodation is seen from the Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) of accommodation services.The data used in this publication are the results of a survey conducted by Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and the result of collaboration with various government agencies. Results The surveys presented are monthly and annual surveys carried out in 2021. Data is presented in the form of graphs and tables so that it is easier to see and understand data. The discussion is carried out briefly so that it is easier for readers understand the meaning and purpose of writing.
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