Statistics of People's Welfare in Sambas Regency 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sambas Regency

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Statistics of People's Welfare in Sambas Regency 2023

Catalog Number : 4101002.6101
Publication Number : 61010.2332
Release Date : December 28, 2023
File Size : 11.53 MB


The publication of the 2023 Statistics of People's Welfare in Sambas Regency 2023 is the result of processing data from the March 2023 Kor Susenas questionnaire (VSEN23.K List) and the March 2022 Susenas Consumption and Expenditure questionnaire (VSEN23.KP List) which were carried out in Sambas Regency. Apart from the expenditure and consumption sections, this publication is presented in the form of percentage figures for a population, which are partly differentiated by gender. Due to limited sample size, the data presented cannot be differentiated according to sub-district.
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