PL-KUMKM Field Officer Training23 of Sambas Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sambas Regency

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PL-KUMKM Field Officer Training23 of Sambas Regency

PL-KUMKM Field Officer Training23 of Sambas Regency

September 15, 2023 | BPS Activities

The Complete Data Collection Activity on Cooperatives and MSMEs (PL-KUMKM) is a complete data collection activity on all actors and business units/companies within the territory of the State of Indonesia. In 2022, 9.1 million KUMKM data can be collected. All information collected is designed to be useful in providing an overview of the performance and structure of the national economy, both by region, business field and business scale within the data collection area. Complete Data Collection Activities for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in 2023 (PL-KUMKM23), starting with registration activities for buildings and MSMEs located in those buildings. If the existence of a business unit has been identified, this activity will continue by collecting data on business characteristics and other information. The existence of a business unit/company will be identified by field officers by visiting each building in the Local Environmental Unit (SLS). Meanwhile, data collection on business characteristics and other information is carried out by conducting interviews with business unit owners/managers of business units/companies in the building (door to door). The field data collection mode is carried out using the Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) mode, namely data collection using an electronic-based questionnaire while interviews are still carried out by field officers.
PL-KUMKM23 activities cover all MSMEs, whether using permanent/permanent buildings, non-permanent buildings or those not using buildings within Indonesia's territorial boundaries. Meanwhile, economic activities cover all categories/fields of business, except for agricultural, forestry and fisheries activities (Category A), government administration, defense and mandatory social security activities (Category O), household activities as an employer; activities that produce goods and services by households that are used to meet their own needs (Category T) and activities of international agencies and other extra-international agencies (Category U). Information and information collected through the 2023 MSME Complete Data Collection activity includes, among others, the identity of the business actor/company; Business/business entity identity; Business/company characteristics; Human Resources; Production/business processes; Marketing; Financial status.
The preparations made by BPS Sambas Regency before carrying out PL-KUMKM23 activities were recruiting field officers which was carried out on 14-25 August 2023. Next, National Instructor training (Innas) was carried out on 28-30 August 2023 online via zoom meeting. A total of 454 field officers for PL-KUMKM23 activities, consisting of 364 Field Enumeration Officers (PCL), 73 Field Inspection Officers (PML), and 17 District Census Coordinators (Koseka), were trained in officer training held at Dayang Resort Singkawang on 5 -14 September 2023. The officer training schedule is divided into 5 waves, namely, wave 1 on 5-6 September 2023, wave 2 on 7-8 September 2023, wave 3 on 9-10 September 2023, wave 4 on 11- 12 September 2023, and wave 5 on 13-14 September 2023. PL-KUMKM23 will be held on 15 September 2023 – 14 October 2023.
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