Susenas Enumeration March 2018 Has Begun - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sambas Regency

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Susenas Enumeration March 2018 Has Begun

Susenas Enumeration March 2018 Has Begun

March 1, 2018 | BPS Activities

Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) is one of the regular surveys conducted by BPS. This survey is a crucial survey because it produces very strategic data such as poverty, gini ratio, IPM (Human Development Index), and other important data. The survey was conducted twice a year in March and September. The enumeration in Susenas this March is conducted from 1-20 March 2018. Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Sambas Regency mobilized 40 officers, divided into 36 enumerators and 14 supervisors. Each officer will go to the selected household to be questioned about the socio-economic aspects and fulfillment of life needs such as clothing, food, shelter, education, health, security, and employment. The number of Census Blocks to be counted is 64 Census Blocks. This year's Susenas is integrated with Riskesdas (Riset Kesehatan Dasar) which is the activities of the Ministry of Health. Selected samples from this Susenas will again be visited by Riskesdas officers for further enumeration.
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